Analysis research papaer[Thinking in education]
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Analysis research papaer[Thinking in education]

자료번호 e738818
수정일 2012.10.16 등록일 2011.05.14
페이지수 10Page 파일형식 워드(doc)
판매자 je******* 가격 25,000원
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without a calculator these days? How often does a student take the same type of tests in his or her school years? The answers of these questions implicate the essential problem in education that currently occurs around the world. On the surface, the objective measures of today's standardized tests sound reasonable. Schools and teachers give every student a solid picture of accomplishment and an equal opportunity for academic development. However, after years of rote memorization and drills, what were once intellectually excited and motivated pupils have become bored or grade-obsessed teenagers. Under the modern education system, it is true that most students are tamed by standardized and unimaginative methods of education. Because of that, these students will take the first step into society without sufficient preparation. As the fundamental solution for this kind of problem, John Dewey’s Thinking in Education suggests a progressive child education philosophy. It clearly shows how students engage in education with an appropriate way of thinking, and more importantly he stressed what the proper role of educators for students is. Also, his philosophical theory will guide many students and educators to step on the path of righteousness of education even today. Therefore,
people need to deeply look back on John Dewey's philosophy of education, based on empiricism, for improving the level of quality of education in today's society.
Most of all, John Dewey's distinctive philosophy, focusing on experience, was greatly reflected in his educational idea and theory. For this reason, the understanding of his philosophy helps to grasp the point of his educational idea in his essay Thinking in Education. Throughout the United States and the world at large, Dewey has been generally recognized as one of the most renowned and influential American philosophers of education. The starting point of his philosophy and educational theory is the world of everyday life. Dewey did not search beyond the realm of ordinary experience to find some more fundamental and enduring reality (Soltis 577). This was obviously different from many other philosophers' ideas that people usually know. For Dewey, the everyday world of common experience was all the reality that man had access to or needed, and he was greatly impres


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