내 사업 만들기(영문) SWTO
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내 사업 만들기(영문) SWTO

자료번호 h610565
수정일 2014.11.10 등록일 2010.01.14
페이지수 6Page 파일형식 워드(doc)
판매자 fu******** 가격 1,000원
  • 다운로드
  • 장바구니



내 사업 만들기 라는 주제로 영어로 쓴 레포트입니다. A+받은자료



My idea of management

My role as manager


Management expert

Most useful idea to me, and why





<Chapter 4.>

What services




Organizational structure

How organize


<Chapter 6. >

Financial plan 3 to 5 years

Needed capital

Expected income





내 사업 만들기(영문) SWTO
My idea of management
Establishing value creation as a way of life for both managers and workers can help define the role of each more precisely, whilst simultaneously making both feel more integrated and involved within the day to day running of a place of work.
Making everyone within an organisation feel that they are more than just ‘cogs in a wheel’ establishes a new feeling of unity and cooperation in organisations and can be a great asset in moving a company or other organisation forward because if everyone feels that they are part of the decision-making process then carrying out the aftermath of those decisions is more likely to be successful.
In the modern business world, then, it makes sense to learn how value creation can be implemented.
My role as manager
Transformational leaders are able to effectively communicate their vision to an organisation and provide an environment where individuals are empowered to achieve that vision. Instead of telling employees what to do, transformational leaders provide the tools that can help employees achieve greatness. A subset of transformational leadership is charismatic leadership, which is built on the idea that sheer force of personality can be enough to provide leadership to an organisation and inspire high levels of personal loyalty from employees to leaders.


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