James Tool Company 예비조사 보고서 / 해석판
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James Tool Company 예비조사 보고서 / 해석판

자료번호 o621384
수정일 2010.01.13 등록일 2010.01.13
페이지수 5Page 파일형식 한글(hwp)
판매자 wh******** 가격 0원
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❏ Background
Shortly after James Tool Company was created in 1967, the management team began to use a service bureau to handle payroll processing and standard accounting systems, such as accounts payable and general ledger. This service bureau, Brafford Services, uses its own mainframe computers to contract with James Tool Company and dozens of other companies to process these companies' common business systems.
James Tool Company rapidly grew in size, and by 1976, management determined that it would be more productive and cost effective to purchase its won mainframe computer for the processing of its manufacturing functions and other specialized systems, such as marketing and labor distribution. At this same time, James Tool Company established and informations systems department to develop and maintain the manufacturing and other systems. James Tool Company has been very progressive in its use of computer technology and has continued to upgrade its computer environment and application systems over the years. In addition to a recently upgraded mainframe computer, the company currently has microcomputers installed in most offices and in many shop floor locations. Payroll processing has remained with Brafford Services, however, because it was believed that the payroll function was being correctly and efficiently managed.
During the past several months, however, complaints have come from both employees and the unions that union dues have not been handled properly.
. They cite an increasing number of instances in which union dues have not been handled properly. They cite an increasing number of instances in which union dues have not been properly deducted from payroll checks and in which the checks paid to the unions were incorrect. In addition, company auditors have filed several complaints that th


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