중등교원임용고시 영어면접 대비자료
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중등교원임용고시 영어면접 대비자료

자료번호 e577700
수정일 2016.09.16 등록일 2009.01.25
페이지수 179Page 파일형식 한글(hwp)
판매자 py***** 가격 2,000원
  • 다운로드
  • 장바구니


  • 중등교사임용의 현황과 개선방안0k
  • 가산점에 염두를 두지말것 (3) 시험장에서는 쉬운 과목부터 풀 것. (4) 합격에 대한 자신감을 가질것 (5) 자기 나름의 기억법을 활용할것 (6) 자투리 시간도 모두 활용해야 한다. III. 결 론- 임용고사 개선을 위한 논의점 참고자료
  • 독어교사 양성의 문제점
  • 임용고시에서 TO가 거의 나지 않은 상황에 비추어 그 경우가 극소수라 생각되며 또한 이에 대한 명확한 통계나 자료가 없기 때문에 연구의 대상으로 삼기에 난점이 있다. 한편 이 발표문의 논지인 \'독어교사 양성기관과 양성체계의 정상화\'
  • 임용고시 심층면접 대비자료
  • 임용고시 심층면접 대비자료 1. 사교성이 낮은 아동의 적극성을 높이기 위한 방안을 3가지 서술하시오. 학급에는 30명에 가까운 아동이 존재합니다. 이들의 성격은 각자 다르며 학급활동에 있어서 적극적인 아동도 존재하지만 반대로 소심하


중등교원임용고시 3차 영어면접 및 수업실연 관련자료입니다.


1. 기출영어면접 문항 및 예시 답안 ------------------------- 2 ~ 83

2. 영어면접 경험담(경기) ------------------------------- 84 ~ 127

3. 영어면접 경험담(서울) ------------------------------- 128 ~ 130

4. 영어면접 경험담(전국) ------------------------------- 131 ~ 140

<부록> 수업지도안 작성 및 수업실연 경험담 ------------------- 141 ~ 181


중등교원임용고시 영어면접 대비자료
기출영어면접 문항 및 예시 답안
1. 가장 슬픈 기억과 가장 행복했던 기억을 말해 보세요.
I would say that the most saddest memory is right now. I have prepared the national teachers' exam for 4 years, but I should have a fail mark again this year. I cried for two days and almost knocked down. Right now, I don't see any hope in my life and I am exhausted. This is the saddest thing. However, I have the happiest memory in my life. That event is that I came to major in English education. My parents were very happy with that, and I was, too. At that time, I thought that my dream came true, but I made a mistake. It's very ironic that my happiest moment changed into the saddest one.
I would like to say the saddest moment was the day when my grandmother passed way. As my mother couldn't take care of me due to her health problems, I was raised by grandmother. My memories of childhood are full of being with grandmother. When I realize I lost her forever, I could not imagine I can overcome the sadness. However, I could let her go to the place where people call the paradise with the help of the family. This is the saddest memories for me. I have a lot of happy memories. Among them, I would like to say the wedding day. I have seen my husband for over five years. We have gone through ups and downs in life together. I was so glad to get married to the man I have respected.
My saddest moment of life is when my grandmother died, whom I loved most. Since I was almost raised by her, it was quite natural that I couldn't leave her at any moment. After her death, it took quite a long time to settle my emotion. I didn't know how much I loved her, because I was too young to accept somebody's death, especially the one I love. When I passed the college entrance exam, that's the happiest moment of my life. That was my first experience of success. I was in poverty at that time, so I had to struggle to survive every single day. However, I never felt that I was unhappy. Everyday I studied, I put myself into the world of imagination. That is the world of my dream.
I remember when I was 17 years old, my dad was burn very severly. That is caused by fire of my house. He had had several big operations and suffered hardship. At that time, I was shocked and frustrated in everything. And when I was 26 years old, I became to fall in love with a great man for the first time. We went a trip to Kyung-ju and it was so awesome. Actually I have been there when a middle school student. However everything was seen absolutely different.^^

think the happiest moment in my life is related to my religious life. Even I'm a born as a Christian, I didn't know what it meats to be a Christian. However, when I heard sermon about dying on the cross with Jesus from a famous missionary, I truly wanted to devoted to God. That desire made me so happy. My Saddest moment of life is when my mother died. She was only 49years old and I had a lot to talk to, a lot to do with her before she went to heaven. However, time didn't wait for us. I still miss her and I believe I can see her one day in the heaven.
One of my happiest memory in my life was to enter the university. Actually I targeted my university and studied hard to enter. When I got notice of acceptance, I was really happy that I can study at the universities where I want to attend. One of my saddest memory was the death of my grandfather. He was really kind and warm to me so I liked him a lot. So when I knew my grandfather died, I was so sad that I cried for a long time. Whenever I thought about that I miss my grand fa


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  • 현행 중등교원양성과 임용체제의 비판적 논의 및 개선방안
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